Kunstwerke Audubon, John James
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Columbian Water Ouzel and Arctic Water Ouzel
Audubon, John James
American Water Ouzel
Audubon, John James
Slender-billed Guillemot
Audubon, John James
Fork-tailed Gull
Audubon, John James
Bartram Sandpiper
Audubon, John James
Long-legged Sandpiper
Audubon, John James
Tell-tale Godwit or Snipe
Audubon, John James
Snow Goose
Audubon, John James
Purple Gallinule
Audubon, John James
Stanley Hawk
Audubon, John James
Great Footed Hawk
Audubon, John James
Green winged Teal
Audubon, John James
Broad-winged Hawk
Audubon, John James
Boat-tailed Grackle
Audubon, John James
Great Marbled Godwit
Audubon, John James
Marias Woodpecker
Audubon, John James
Hooded Merganser
Audubon, John James
Common Gallinule
Audubon, John James
Noddy Tern
Audubon, John James
Wilsons Plover
Audubon, John James
Kildeer Plover
Audubon, John James
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Audubon, John James
Piping Plover
Audubon, John James
Virginia Rail
Audubon, John James
Great Cinereous Owl
Audubon, John James
Booby Gannet
Audubon, John James
Black-Throated Bunting
Audubon, John James
Arkansaw Siskin, Mealy Redpoll, Louisiana Tanager, Townsends Bunting and Buffbreasted Finch
Audubon, John James
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Audubon, John James
Blackthroated green Warbler, Blackburnian and Mourning Warbler
Audubon, John James
Prairie Starling
Audubon, John James
Painted Finch
Audubon, John James
Red winged Starling, or Marsh Blackbird
Audubon, John James
Loggerhead Shrike
Audubon, John James
Rice Bird
Audubon, John James
Florida Jay
Audubon, John James
Black-throated Blü Warbler
Audubon, John James
Yellow-throated Vireo
Audubon, John James
Pewit Flycatcher
Audubon, John James
Selbys Flycatcher
Audubon, John James
Carolina Pigeon
Audubon, John James
Canadian Titmouse
Audubon, John James
Yellow-crown Warbler
Audubon, John James
American Robin
Audubon, John James
Henslows Bunting
Audubon, John James
Tennessee Warbler
Audubon, John James
Black and Yellow Warblers
Audubon, John James
Audubon, John James
Blü-green Warbler
Audubon, John James
Prairie Warbler
Audubon, John James