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City of New york
Albers, Teis
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25,00 €
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Item Number
Map exhibiting the salt marsh and lands adjacent to the bays of San Francisco and San Pablo, 1874
California Board of State Harbor Commissioners
West Indies I, 1810
Arrowsmith, Aaron
West Indies II, 1810
Arrowsmith, Aaron
New York City and County, 1832
Burr, David
City and County of New York, 1836
Colton, J. H
TheatMaps Historicum, 1705
De Lisle, Guillaume
Sanitary and Topographical Map of the City and Island of New York, 1865
Viele, Egbert
The Central Part of the State of California, 1865
Bielawski, C.
Map of the World, Researches of Capt. James Cook, 1808
Arrowsmith, Aaron
Civil War - Official Plan of The Siege of Yorktown Virginia, 1862
Abbot, Henry L.
A General Map of The River Ohio, 1796
Collot, George Henri Victor
ComVintageite: LAlemagne, 1780
Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi
Geological Map, Rio Colorado of the West, 1858
Ives, J.C
Carte Generale Des Etats, 1865
Goujon, E
A General Map of the River Ohio, Plate 2, 1796
Collot, George Henri Victor
The County of Alameda California, 1857
Higley, Horace
Northwestern America Showing The Territory Ceded By Russia To The United States, 1867
Sumner, Charles
Mappemonde, 1782 - Tea Stained
Janvier, Jean
General Map of the Course of the Ohio, 1796
Collot, George Henri Victor
San Francisco Birds Eye View, 1878
Parsons, Charles
New York - Suffolk County, 1829
Burr, David
New York, Qüens, Kings, Richmond counties, 1829
Burr, David
Grand Canyon - ComVintageite: Geologic map, S. pt. Kaibab Plateau. I-IV, 1882
Dutton, Clarence
Western Colorado and Part of Utah, 1881
Hayden, F.V
American Union Railroad Map Of The United States, 1871
Haasis and Lubrecht
Map of Georgia and Alabama, 1839
Burr, David
Map of Kentucky and Tennessee, 1839
Burr, David
Map of Michigan and Part of Wisconsin Territory, 1839
Burr, David
Map of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, 1839
Burr, David
Map of New York, 1839
Burr, David
Map of North and South Carolina, 1839
Burr, David
Map of Ohio and Indiana, 1839
Burr, David
Map of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware, 1839
Burr, David
Paris, France, 1762
Cassini, Cesar-Francois
Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, 1881
Hawaiian Government Survey
Carte physiqü et routiere de la France, de la Suisse, 1827
Brue, Adrien Hubert
Hammonds Large Scale War Map of the Western Front, 1917
Hammond, C.S.
Paris, France, 1711 - Tea Stained
De Lisle, Guillaume
Carte generale des Gaules, 1821 - Tea Stained
Brue, Adrien Hubert
Spain, Portugal, 1861 - Tea Stained
Johnston, Alexander Keith
LItalie, 1780 - Tea Stained
Janvier, Jean
Phases of the Moon, 1850
Soulier, E.
New York: rainfall, population, elevation, temperature, 1895
Gannett, Henry
Mackinlays map of the Province of Nova Scotia, including the island of Cape Breton, 1862
Mackinlay, A. and W.
Ethnographische Karte von Europa, 1847
Berghaus, Heinrich
Nanzenbushu Bankoku Shoka No Zu, 1710
United States, 1833
Burr, David
World, 1831
Lizars, Daniel
Boston - Wards 9, 12, 1895
Bromley, George Washington